e-SMBG instruction manual

You can download and check the smartphone (Android ・ iOS) application "Smart e-SMBG" or the "e-SMBG cloud" instruction manual.

"e-SMBG Cloud" instruction manual

It is an instruction manual of e-SMBG Cloud.

Adobe PDF icone-SMBG Cloud instruction manual(Last updated: 2019/6/21)

About Connecting to e-SMBG Cloud

You can do data cooperation with e-SMBG cloud, if you set e-SMBG Login ID etc…on e-SMBG

Adobe PDF icone-SMBG linkage setting manual(Last updated: 2021/3/22)

About "Viewer function"

By the Viewer setting, it will be family members and health care workers can view your data.

Adobe PDF icone-SMBG cloud instruction manual for Viewer(Last updated: 2021/3/22)

Adobe PDF icone-SMBG cloud data view guide for Viewer(Last updated: 2018/12/10)

"Smart e-SMBG" instruction manual

Adobe PDF iconSmart e-SMBG cloud instruction manual(Last updated: 2017/4/28)
